Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water vs. Water Filter Pitcher

Water Filter Pitcher

What’s all the fuss about Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Why would I want to buy an RO when I could just buy a water filter pitcher? I’m glad you asked – that’s what we were just about to discuss! Let’s compare, shall we?

  1. Space. The space in your refrigerator is limited, and water filter pitchers can often be one of the biggest items in your fridge. With a reverse osmosis system, it hooks on to your sink. This frees up space in your fridge for other things – not drinking water.Culligan Reverse Osmosis System
  2. Capacity. “There are some pretty big water filter pitchers out there,” you might argue. And you’re right. There are some high-capacity pitchers out there, but no matter the size, you’ll find yourself filling them up more often than you’d like. With an RO, the only thing you’ll be filling up is your glass.
  3. Availability. If you’ve ever used a water filter pitcher, you’ve seen that the filtration isn’t instant. After you fill it up (which you’ll do often – especially when you have friends over), you have to sit and wait for it to finish filtering before pouring another glass. It doesn’t take long, but you still have to wait. Wouldn’t it be better to have a reverse osmosis system to instantly give you fresh, great-tasting water at a moment’s notice?
  4. Filtration. Perhaps the most compelling difference between a water filter pitcher and an RO is that a reverse osmosis drinking water system uses a multi-stage filtration process to remove impurities (ours are typically 3‑5 stages) from your water, while pitchers usually have a single-stage carbon filter. RO drinking water systems have a carbon filter, too, but they also have additional stages to remove everything from sediment to harmful impurities like lead, radium, aesthetic chlorine, chromium‑6, and arsenic.*

Now do you see what the fuss is about? Reverse osmosis drinking water machines provide you with superior convenience and save space in your refrigerator. Contact your local Culligan Man to get more information about a customized reverse osmosis system for your home today!

* Not everybody’s water contains these impurities; yours might not. Schedule a water analysis with your local Culligan Man to find out what’s in your water.